After a brief absence the NEW Maher Ventriloquist Studios is rolling out!  With new and improved products we encourage all vents and potential vents to go to our website, , and see what we have to offer.  We are even updating the Maher Course in Ventriloquism, the “gold standard” in our industry, to make it easier than ever before to learn our craft.

In the same vein as Fred Maher and Clinton Detweiler, we will have the replacement to the old “Newsy Vents” and the NAAV (North American Association of Ventriloquists), the International Ventriloquists Society.  The IVS, as we like to call it, has it’s own online newsletter called the “IVS Spotlight” which will feature news and articles, video, tips and tricks, and much more to enhance the world of ventriloquism.  This online newsletter comes out six times per year and you can be a member for just $35. and receive not only access to the newsletter but a membership pin, membership card and assigned number, and certificate.
Visit and become an active part in the vent community!