Voice Projection Techniques for Aspiring Ventriloquists

Voice Projection Techniques for Aspiring Ventriloquists

Voice projection is an important skill for the aspiring ventriloquist. It's not just about "throwing your voice;" it's about ensuring that every word reaches your audience with clarity and impact. If they can't hear or understand your character, they aren't going to...

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The Legacy of Fred Maher: Ventriloquism Training Through the Ages

The Legacy of Fred Maher: Ventriloquism Training Through the Ages

Fred Maher was a pioneer in the world of ventriloquism. His passion for the art led to the creation of Maher Studios, a name synonymous with excellence in ventriloquism training. Since its founding in 1934, Maher Studios has played a crucial role in shaping the art...

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5 Key Ventriloquist Techniques for Beginners

5 Key Ventriloquist Techniques for Beginners

Are you ready to dive into the world of ventriloquism? Learning these key ventriloquist techniques is the first step to becoming a skilled ventriloquist. Maher Studios has been here since 1934. Well, not here as on the web, but here as "to help ventriloquists around...

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Complete Guide to Learning Ventriloquism: A Beginner’s Journey

Complete Guide to Learning Ventriloquism: A Beginner’s Journey

Are you ready to learn ventriloquism and become a master of this fascinating art? Ventriloquism for beginners can be an exciting journey, and Maher Studios is here to guide you every step of the way. With a rich history dating back to 1934, Maher Studios has been a...

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How To Become A Famous Ventriloquist …

How To Become A Famous Ventriloquist …

Jeff Dunham, Terry Fator and Darci Lynne are recent examples of famous ventriloquists. They earn huge amounts of money for their talent. A lot of people see them and think ventriloquism could be their ticket to stardom too. Let's face it, ventriloquism is fun. It can...

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I Love Ventriloquism

I Love Ventriloquism

I love ventriloquism. But before we start today's post, I have another question. How are you? Seriously, how are you? People have had different reactions to the current state of affairs. We are all in this together and we will get through it. Reach out to your friends...

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What COVID-19 Can Teach You About Marketing Your Show

What COVID-19 Can Teach You About Marketing Your Show

Currently the COVID-19 panic is taking over the world.   Terrified people fear quarantine. Governments are shutting down gatherings. And the news outlets are making more money.   Why? They are selling advertising because of higher ratings. They have the public glued...

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What Do You Do?

What Do You Do?

What Do You Do? I hate that question.   You meet somebody and they ask, "what do you do?"   For some, it is an opportunity to shine. They brighten up and proudly share their accomplishments with anyone who will listen.   The thing is, I have the opportunity to shine...

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People are more connected than ever. A million television channels, Youtube and internet stream instantly to your mobile device. By instantly, I mean lightening speed. (Unless you are in a hurry!) Add into that everyday life. Things happen that divide your attention....

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What To Do When You’re Not Doing Shows

What To Do When You’re Not Doing Shows

Today's article was guest written by Mark Wade. To contact Mark Wade: kidshowvent@gmail.com It happens to all of us ... you’re very busy doing shows almost everyday and suddenly you get a “dry spell” with nothing going on. What can you do tohelp you maintain your top...

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Maher Course Of Ventriloquism



Maher Ventriloquist Studios
158 Lincoln Road
Westminster, MD. 21157

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