Did you know MaherStudios.com has a forum?
We’ve had a user’s forum since we started the website over three years ago. It was pretty basic, you could go in, post a topic or reply to a comment. Some people post videos and pictures too. Nothing fancy, but great ideas have been shared and friendships made.
Only a small number of users ever participate in the forum. Maybe you are too busy? Or you simply forget it is there? Maybe logging in was a hassle? Maybe it was too hard to use? Or possibly it didn’t have the functions you wanted?
Well, I’ve made an investment in some new software for the website and am trying to make life easier for everyone!
- The forum boasts a new look that matches the feel of the site.
- The forum is now mobile friendly for easier reading on your tablet or phone.
- You can change the font sizes to suit your needs. (I did that one for myself because I can’t read the fine print anymore. I know a lot of you will like it though!)
- You can now thumbs up a post!
- You can tag other forum users in your comments so they will be notified.
- You have a new editor for adding posts and can even include headlines, bold type, links, videos & pics easier than ever before.
- You can now PM (Private Message) other members!
Plus – it is now easier to sign in on MaherStudios.com than ever before. Click the login and you can sign in with FaceBook, Twitter or LinkedIn accounts. The first time you use this login – you will be brought back to the website and need to login with your current Maher username and password. That links the account and in the future, you won’t have to remember the additional info!
So try it out – log in and take a look around. Let me know what you think and let me know how we can make things easier for you here at Maher Studios!
The forum is great. I’ve made a few friendships on there. It a great place to ask or offer advice and it’s also great to hear what ventastic things other Ventriloquists are getting up to
I love the forum and always have. Sorry I haven’t been around alot but I stopped coming when I realized no one else was answering. 🙂 I promise to try and stop by more now. Thanks for all that you do.
Thanks Mark! The forum has ups and downs depending on how busy people are. We’d love to see more people use the resource and look forward to talking with you there!