Today’s article is by guest blogger – Mark Wade.

Take a look at other entertainer’s organizations.  The magic world has the International Brotherhood of Magicians and the Society of American Magicians; the clown world has World Clown organization and Clowns of America International.  Granted these groups have many more numbers then we do as ventriloquists, and, without taking anything away from these fellow performers, there’s a reason. Ventriloquism takes longer in many ways to learn and to master.

There are no self-working vent tricks, something you can do without any skill and very little practice.  The art of ventriloquism has no gray area; either you can do it or not (we  call these well intentioned folks “puppeteers”). And while there is nothing wrong with being a puppeteer, it’s simply not vent.  Vent requires acting, for both the vent and his puppet partner; lip and breath control; manipulation skills to keep the puppet alive; different voices; and then comedy material that has to be prepared and learned, all the while making it look natural and easy.  Vents are virtually doing five or six things at once.  Talk about a juggling act !..this is it !

What does this have to do with our IVS?  We need to SUPPORT the only vent organization in the world.  We need to contribute our time and effort to share our vent ideas through articles.  We need to encourage upcoming vents, regardless of age, and we need to give constructive, good advice where we can.  The IVS is the natural place to do all of these things, therefore please help our vent organization to grow by talking it up and lead people into joining.  Make it one of your vent goals to help the International Ventriloquist Society to grow.  It’s all we have, so let’s make it the best that we can !

Mark Wade is considered to be “America’s Foremost Children’s Ventriloquist”.  He has lectured and performed on the subject of entertaining kids with ventriloquism all around the world and has been featured in “Time Magazine” and seen on national television nine times.