30 Comedy Scripts In 30 Days
In January 2018, I challenged myself to write a comedy script every day for a month. I tested these scripts in front of my toughest audience – other comedy writers. Originally, I only planned on using these scripts in my own act. Some of them have already made it and generated huge laughs.
One of the biggest requests Maher Studios receives is for the old dialog books. They are seriously dated and now out of print.
So I have decided to release
all 30 professional scripts in one book.
To have a professional ventriloquist write a script for you, expect to pay $150 and up. When Mark, Ken & I released the Dialogs Plus series, we seriously underpriced them just over $5 per script.
And I’m underpricing again.
This eBook, all 30 comedy scripts, is only $60 – just $2 per script. I know you will get a ton of material from this. You’ll get to see how a working ventriloquist thinks and crafts dialogs.
You’ll make audiences laugh,
and you if you do paid shows,
you will profit from this book.
This eBook contains the following scripts:
- A Word From Our Sponsor,
- Anger Management,
- Bad Date,
- Car In The Shop,
- D Day,
- Fake News,
- Halloween Candy,
- Imaginary Band,
- Key West,
- Mind Control,
- New Girlfriend,
- Online Dating,
- Rock Star,
- Room Service,
- Surroundings,
- The Big Game,
- The County Fair,
- The Fancy Restaurant,
- The Felon,
- The Flip,
- The Genius,
- The Horrible Hotel,
- The Insurance Salesman,
- The Movies,
- The Show Is Done,
- The Used Car,
- Three Wishes,
- Where We’ve Been,
- The Wrong Script, and
- You Were Adopted
I love the Imaginary Band routine and plan to use it in my summer reading show. It’s worth the cost of the book. Thanks.
This publication includes a wide range of content – including adult, family & kid show scripts. Some scripts contain adult subjects are only meant for an adult audience. There are several family show scripts that can play to all ages, or be included in an adult or kid show. Other scripts were developed for child audiences. Two of the kid show scripts are focused on the 2018 U.S. Library Summer Reading Theme “Libraries Rock.”
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