Everyone of us in our field of show business needs clients.  But how do we do we get them, and how do we hold on to them once they are found ?  Let’s take a look at what we can do to help this situation.


Wow, you must be in shock when you read what I just wrote!  Not everybody is your customer, although we all like to think that they are.  What determines your customer relies upon you and what type of performing you do.  The person looking for more “adult” type humor is not going to hire a kidshow vent, and likewise can be said of a person scouting for a vent for a school or library show that talks about “grown-up” stuff.  You’ve got to qualify your buyers.  You need to have a “customer profile” of who you are looking for in the way of your entertainment.  I would suggest writing down on paper or computer who you think would buy your show.  For example, a scout master, elementary principal, children’s librarian, and school guidance counselor would be excellent candidates for a kidshow ventriloquist.  While in the “grown –up” market you may find human resource people, company heads,  comedy club bookers, and leaders in local Rotary and other organizations more suited for the adult vent performer.  Booking agents can be utilized by both “grown-up” and kidshow performers, as agents have a need for them both, especially at certain holiday times of the year.

The “take home” info in all of this…make sure you know to  whom you are marketing.  Why waste time and energy on someone who will never use you?  Sure there may be some overlap, but that usually comes as a happy coincidence.  Build your market with a solid foundation and you won’t be disappointed.