It is good to allow the puppet to become completely motionless several times during the performance since this increases the effectiveness of the movements that follow.
1 out of 25
It is a good idea to incorporate names of well known audience members into the dialogue
2 out of 25
Humor is a common ingredient in most ventriloquist presentations.
3 out of 25
Never attempt to use a joke when it lacks humor upon first reading.
4 out of 25
Save all your best jokes for the close of the show.
5 out of 25
All ventriloquist routines should conclude with the audience laughing.
6 out of 25
To be truly effective, any encore must continue the theme of the show.
7 out of 25
There will be times when the ventriloquist puppet actually seems to surprise the ventriloquist with its witty remarks.
8 out of 25
If you must say a word ventriloquially which causes your lips to move, you can misdirect the audience's attention momentarily by moving your head toward the figure as you say the word.
9 out of 25
Even if some of the words spoken ventriloquially are slurred (unclear) the performance can still be effective.
10 out of 25
With enough practice and experience, skillful ventriloquists are eventually able to throw their voice to a point apart from themselves.
11 out of 25
The voice should always be lowered in tone for the punch line.
12 out of 25
When the performer has succeeded in drawing a BIG laugh from the audience, he or she should wait for the audience to again become completely silent before continuing with the dialogue.
13 out of 25
Attempting to convey a serious (non-funny) message through the ventriloquist figure should be avoided.
14 out of 25
All ventriloquists should be ready to demonstrate the Distant Voice upon request.
15 out of 25
Ventriloquists should somewhat exaggerate their movements and expressions during the performance.
16 out of 25
Amateur ventriloquists are less skilled than professional ventriloquists.
17 out of 25
Only ventriloquists with trained singing voices should attempt to have the puppet or vent figure sing as part of the act.
18 out of 25
A pause may be used effectively during the dialogue to:
19 out of 25
The beginning consonants of some words spoken in the muffled voice are:
20 out of 25
Stage fright is primarily caused by:
22 out of 25
Why should a slight pause be allowed immediately before a punch line?
23 out of 25
How should the punch line be delivered? (Check all that apply!)
24 out of 25
25 out of 25