How many ventriloquists live near you? Chances are there aren’t that many. Unlike magicians or jugglers or musicians, ventriloquists are few and far between. The others have meetings and get-togethers. We only have the Vent Haven International Ventriloquist ConVENTion once a year. And not everyone can afford to attend. (Even though it is one of the highest quality, lowest priced conventions around.)
So how do you get news about the art? How can you get tips and ideas to improve your skills? How can you keep your passion for the art? How can you get your name out to the public and book shows?
That is exactly why you should join the International Ventriloquist Society.
Active members, who visit have access to the online IVS Spotlight. Each issue contains news on ventriloquism from around the world. There are videos and articles to inspire, teach and encourage. There are downloads to let you read written articles on your phone, tablet or computer. You can even print them out to have something you can hold in your hand.
The Spotlight publishes four times a year. Each month there is a Maher Ventriloquist Radio episode only available to the IVS. You get to be the fly on the wall as we discuss all things ventriloquism. Who knows, as an IVS member, you may be a guest on the show!
Plus, the Online Ventriloquist Directory is available only for IVS members. It allows the public to find a ventriloquist to hire for their events. We provide your contact information, you can include a photo and we even allow you to link to your website if you have one. This is a free perk of being an IVS member!
Not a member? Then what are you waiting for? Sign up for the International Ventriloquist Society today!
Already a member? Login and check out the member’s area to find out what is new!
I’ll see you inside!