What you wear on stage can make a big difference in your performance.  Comfort is now king and so we must look at how to properly dress for our shows. As the old saying goes “Clothes makes the man (or woman) ! and that is vitally true!

High-school-hobby-leads-to-career-as-ventriloquistThe day and age of the tuxedo is almost over (with a few rare occasions..) and in this relaxed day and age you must look a level better than your audience but not so dressed up that the audience is uncomfortable looking at you.  Outdoor shows where the temperatures can be very hot and muggy come to mind.  A shirt and tie might make the audience FEEL hot and uncomfortable even watching you, so something different is needed.  I have gone to a solid color golf shirt with the “Mark Wade-Ventriloquist” logo monogrammed on the right chest area (where the pocket might be if it had a pocket..).  These shirts are made for the outdoors, come in bright colors, and are easy to care for.  In winter I wear long sleeved golf shirts that are monogrammed ,or where it is more formal, a tux vest with a shirt with sleeves rolled up (no short sleeve shirts please!!) and a colorful tie .  This allows me to access the puppet without getting a sleeve caught inside the character and is cooler as well as dressy.

Think about your wardrobe.  Does it say “professional”? or does it say “regular street clothes”?

Contact Mark at: kidshowvent@gmail.com