Wow..what a great time it is going to be at Vent Haven ConVENTion 2015! We have an all star line up of talent and the registrations are flowing in. The flagship hotel only has so many rooms available and the last two years we had to send people to two other overflow hotels closely. REGISTER NOW and be a part of the world’s largest and most attended venue for puppets and ventriloquism! See us at or contact me (kidshowvent@gmail,com) to get in on the fun and learning. This is THE place to see the all stars of ventriloquism, featuring JEFF DUNHAM, AARON WILLIAMS, MARK WADE, PETE MICHAELS, JOHN KIMMONS (KIMMO from the UK), SAMMY KING, STEVE AXTELL, JIM BARBER, DAN HORN, and tons of other pro vents! It is going to be great at Vent Haven 2015!