i am so pleased to see the registrations rolling in on a daily basis for the 2016 Vent Haven International Ventriloquists’ ConVENTion (July 13-16, 2016). This is our 40th.Anniversary and we have many special things planned, including a trip to Northern Kentucky University to see Jeff Dunham’s spectacular show. IF YOU HAVE NOT REGISTERED YET DO IT TODAY!! IWe don’t want to run out of space for you before you had a chance to register. Register today and join in on the fun! Ā venthavenconvention.com
Unfortunately, I don’t think I will be able to make it this year. I’m in the process of shopping for property and starting the contruction of a home in Southern Nevada. As this takes presidence, and I am building it myself, then I want to start as soon as my building permits are approved.
If things change, I’ll be sure to register. I don’t plan on staying at the event hotel so that won’t be a problem for me. I’m vegan and need a place with a refrigerator and stove.