That’s right, on May 16 the price of registration goes up to $145. for the primary person and $115. for each additional family member.
All registrations postmarked by May 15 will get the special reduced rate of $135.for the primary person and $95. for each additional family member so THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW! If you have a room at the Cincinnati Airport Marriott but have not registered for the ConVENTion, time is running out.
Go to and use PayPal to get your registration in. This is going to be a GREAT ConVENTion, a “must see” eVENT! You can also download a registration form and mail it along with payment to:
Vent Haven ConVENTion 2014
341 Papaya Circle
Barefoot Bay, FL 32976
Isn’t this the year for you to become a ventriloquist, or a better one?