As most we have found out from most entertainers, occasionally you are introduced to someone and it’s mentioned you are a ventriloquist. Often the person will ask “You’re a ventriloquist..can you do something?”  Since you are not carrying around a puppet (at least not usually..) you need to show that you are a ventriloquist in a special way.  Here’s my advice in this installment.


Learn to do the distant voice so you can make an ink pen, pencil, a salt shaker, or whatever come to life.  I was recently at at an outdoor event with my wife and I made an ink pen talk and it completely blew away a lady who had asked me what I do.  Remember, when you add distant voice work to your repertoire you have increase your own value as a vent.  This also gives you the advantage of having something to do.


While you don’t need a puppet to do this, you can fold your arms like you are holding and “invisible baby” and make this work as well.  If done correctly it can be a real “eye opener” to a lay person.

Be prepared to ventriloquism when called upon and it will definitely add to your reputation!

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