Have you been reading the Maher Studios blog for awhile?

I know I have.

Once and awhile I try to look at articles I have written to see if I should update a topic. It also helps me to find gaps where I can write about different subjects.

As I was looking back trying to figure out what to write, I realized that maybe these posts would be new to some of our readers.

With that in mind, today I want to share some of my favorite posts!

Trivia For Ventriloquists

This post was a favorite because it wasn’t the standard article.

I created a trivia quiz to test your ventriloquism knowledge. You have multiple choices to answer the questions, just click on the correct one. At the end, you submit your test and find out the answers.

The software behind this was pretty simple to use and I liked the fact it became an interactive article. Click the link above to try it out!

10 Script Ideas You Can Use: 

Even if you remember this article, it is worth taking another look.

I created ten premises to give you a start toward writing your own script. I had forgotten some of them and they inspired me to create another script.

As I was reading at it, I even took one of the ideas in a new direction. These are a great launching point for anyone who needs something new in their act.

A Ventriloquist’s Wishlist

Ventriloquist's Wish ListAn article inspired by David Weyrick.

People often wonder what to get others as a gift. It can be very confusing for someone who has no real idea what a ventriloquist may need.

With the holidays approaching, why not share this article with friends and family? We filled it with some great ideas!

Load In / Load Out

People always worry about their show, but don’t often think about the steps that go into performing.

One of those often missed areas is loading in and out of a venue. That is why I covered the subject in this article!

Jimmy Vee’s ConVENTion Lecture Notes

At the 2017 Vent Haven ConVENTion, Jimmy Vee presented a lecture titled: Improving Your Bookings, Business & Bank Account.

He wanted to make his lecture notes available to ventriloquists for free. He provided the slides in PDF format and sent them to Maher Studios.

If you were at Jimmy’s lecture that year, these slides will help you recall his advice and move forward. If you weren’t there, these will still provide plenty of information and motivation.

So those were just a few of my favorites from the past couple of years. There are plenty more and all of them are a pretty easy read.

What articles have been your favorites over the past six years? Comment below!